Friday 10 January 2014

Blog #3 The Luxe

     In the beginning of the book it starts off with the main character, Elizabeth Hollands funeral. Then continues into her life a month before leading up to it. At the end of the book it draws back to her funeral. Elizabeth's death was fake. She was forced to go away and the only way she could  was if everyone in her society was told she had died by getting thrown off a carriage into the Hudson river. It lead up to this because Elizabeth was forced to marry Henry for money matters. Elizabeth's sister Diana was in love with Henry, and Elizabeth's friend Penelope was in love with Henry. It was all a jealousy game that brought out cattiness in all the girls. Penelope found out that Elizabeth was in love with her servant and she swore that she would tell Henry and all the society if she didn't leave. Elizabeth was forced to leave to go see Will the servant so Penelope could have the chance to marry Henry.

Would you ever fake your own death because someone threatened you against something?


  1. If it was a very dire situation where there would be no other option i would, facing something like that wouldn't be possible enough to try to let go by.

  2. I wouldn't fake my own death if I was threatened, because there is no need to. If i was in love with a person that wasn't rich or a servant then I wouldn't care if people find out, there is no point in running away to be with someone. You shouldn't have to care what people that about who you want to be with.

  3. I would not fake my own death if I was threatened because its not a necessary thing. If I was threatened I would ask for some help and if it was a serious threat I would go to the police.
