Tuesday 10 December 2013

Blog #2 The Luxe

Elizabeth Holland is the main character in The Luxe. Elizabeth is 18 years old and described an angelic, with ash blonde hair and brown eyes. She must choose between the family duty of an arranged marriage and true love.. She does everything she is told, and obeys her mother. She secretly spends long passionate nights with her stable boy, Will, but she has to marry Henry Schoonmaker to save her family from becoming poor. Soon, the engaqement with Henry Schoonmaker, arranged by Schoonmaker's wealthy father William and Elizabeth's strict mother. This occupiesthe  high societyand thepeople variously anticipate and dread the marriage. Elizabeth must apologize to her friend, Penelope, whose is in love with Henry. Henry, meanwhile, feels reluctant to marry Elizabeth because he feels nothing for her, and nothing for Penelope either. The day Henry goes to tell Elizabeth about the planned arranged marriage, he meets Diana, who is Elizabteths sister He instantly falls in love with. 

Would you stick with an arranged marriage or back out and disobey what the family wants?

Thursday 5 December 2013

Blog #1 The Luxe

The Luxe is a young adult novel by Anna Godbersen. It is based on the life of Manhattan, New York's upper class in 1899. This book is similar to the Gossip Girl series, that features beauty, socialites, elegance and numerous romantic encounters. The introduction in the book starts off with Elizabeth Holland's funeral. She was the most natural and beautiful girl there was, and everyone dreamed to be her.  She was said to have died by being thrown off a carriage into the Hudson. Into reading the book it is based on her life before her shady death. Her father, one of the most respected man in society had passed away. He left a great deal of debt and had not been paying any bills. The Holland family was considered poor now. It was Elizabeth's duty to get married and find a husband who is rich and can support her and her family.But Elizabeth was in love with one of her servants Will. Henry Schoonmaker, the biggest bachelor of New York's social scene was a perfect fit for Elizabeth. The only problem is  that the the gossip world is certain Henry is going to get engaged to Penelope Hayes. She is very rich and is best friends with Elizabeth. Penelope is very excited and shocked to believe all this. Though Henry's father wants him to marry Elizabeth. Both the girls are invited to a dinner party where the announcement will me made.

Would you be with someone and marry them for their money and social status or someone who you were in love with who had very little money?